Hoping to make their phones more user friendly Vodaphone 360 have asked some prolific names in the UK music and fashion scene to make their own short video virals to promote the video sharing feature in their new phones (quiet a cool idea as long as it doesn't cost a fortune in the process). Including the ever so hot Faris Badwan from the Horrors and fashion designer Henry Holland. The HH decides to actually make a literal House of Holland in a garden shed. A cool concept, if only these fashion designers knew how to actually put up a shed (in the end a team of them take 3 hours!!). The final result is a house (shed) decorated in Henry's textiles used in his fashion line, and of course they obligatory launch party! Would have been cool if the shed was put in a spot where us normal people could go and have a look, although this is probably because all the pillows etc would be nicked, which is what happened at the party! The viral has definitely inspired me to make a lamp shade from a mannequin leg! Creepy!
Some good virals though, definitely worth a look.
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